AZ Underwriting Summary

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Revision as of 14:07, 10 December 2015 by Alanfields (talk | contribs) (Time Limitations)


  • Minimum Search Requirements -- No state law sets minimum period of time for a title search but a title plant must typically have a minimum 40 year chain;

There is not a marketable record title act in Arizona.

  • Plant or other search restrictions -- Yes if over 100k population in county. Department of Insurance Link. Title plant maintenance includes being a lessee or joint owner of a title plant. Alternatively, you may base your title policy on a title policy issued to you from a title insurer who does maintain such a title plant in the respective county or counties.
  • Additional Requirements for REO Searches -- No
  • Special Searches Required (Code, HOA, Utilities)? Included in normal search
  • Survey Requirements
    • Purchase – no
    • Refinance - no



Property Tax

Mortgage/Transfer Tax

Spousal Joinder Requirements/Homestead

Joinder by non-title spouse not required by law. However Arizona is a community property state.

Power Of Attorney

Construction Liens

Foreclosure Review

Instrument Requirements

Who May Serve As Trustee On Deed Of Trust

Time Limitations

  • US Judgment Liens 20 years, renewable for 20 years
  • State Court Judgment Liens 5 years s. 12-1551 unless renewed by affidavit or process per s. 12-1612. 5 year limit does not apply to:
    • Criminal Restitution Orders per 13-805,
    • Child support, Spousal maintenance & related orders
    • Judgments for supervision fees or expenses related to care of juvenile per 8-241, 8-243
    • Civil judgments obtained by the state
  • Child Support notice of deficiency -- Defense 10 years after emancipation of the youngest child (18, marriage, death) A.R.S. § 25-503(J)
  • Federal Tax Liens 10 years (+30 days); can be refiled
  • State Tax Liens
  • Estate Tax Lien Federal 10 years
  • State Inheritance Tax Liens
  • Mechanics Liens; Time for filing lien: 120 day following completion of structure of improvements-"Completion"=30 days after final inspection or cessation of labor A.R.S. 33-993
    • filed lien lasts 6 months, if no law suit filed
  • Financing Statements 5 years
  • Mortgages
  • HOA Liens 2 years
  • Condominium assessments 2 years

Odd Stuff

  • Title insurer has statutory authority to release subject to the requirements in A.R.S. 33-707.
  • Arizona Department of insurance is the governing body where both rates and forms are filed. DOI Website
  • Usury endorsement is available. The statutory maximum rate of interest is 10% per annum, unless a different rate is contracted for in writing, in which case any rate of interest may be agreed upon. ARS 44-1201. Usury also constitutes a misdemeanor crime. ARS 13-2208.